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Monday, March 24, 2014

'Kimye' VOGUE worthy or not?

Upon seeing the release of VOGUE's April cover, I was baffled and in much disbelief. But in a matter of 48 hours I saw not only a few but many other fashion lovers and VOGUE devotees sharing their very similar opinions on the social media.

Is this backlash to this couple justified? Let's talk about it! 

This is a valid point. I don't think the fashion industry is really interested in a reality tv show 'star' in the US. Yes, in America I don't think you have to do anything particularly good to get attention, you just have to be different and outrageous. Stick out like a sore thumb, and more often than not you'll be on the news or be paid for it. Television is really degrading to everyday lives from shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians, Toddlers and Tiaras, Teen Mom, 16 & Pregnant, Jersey Shore.. etc. It's a never ending list that has no real meaning to it. Watching someone else live their life, and then them getting paid for it. It makes zero sense to me, and I find it sad that we hold such unambitious people with no dreams other than to make it on top of a magazine cover every month somehow, to such high regards in any means. Opinion, style, attention, anything. They are human beings, yes, they are their own person. But the fact that you are rich, a human and have some weird life does not give you the right to take up a tv slot & make a mockery of yourself. 

Let's also remember that THIS happened..

I think it's really odd that none of the tweets above have acknowledged the fact that this cover encompasses a couple and not just Kim herself. Kanye has somehow deluded himself into believing he has any impact in the fashion industry. At least he has a career he can associate himself with, his music. But you don't need to pretend that you have talent in more than one artistic field. You can hire 10 designers to make a line for you and put your name on it, that doesn't make YOU a designer. It's sad that such 'celebrities' have obtained and used the power to act as they please and to, blatantly, make a mockery out of fashion. As if it doesn't need any personal talent, passion, or education. The fact that someone like him has a fashion line that has had time to be presented to important people, and being sold at ridiculous rates when it has no real style, trendsetting items, or anything that even remotely stands out, it just makes me sad. Knowing there are many aspiring designers that want that exposure and support that don't have it.

VOGUE claims on the cover that this is the most talked about couple. Yet again, just more attention. Negative or positive? Doesn't matter. Is this all that you have to achieve to put yourself on the prestigious and respected cover of VOGUE?

 Public attention? 

There are many many other powerful couples that are talked about that I can think of to put here instead.

 That are respected, ambitious, career oriented, fashion oriented, beauty oriented. Actors, politicians, models, athletes, singers, designers. These are all people who have paved their own pay, why not give THEM the cover?

The Obamas 

The Beckhams

Jay-Z & Beyonce

Brad & Angelina

I am personally surprised and have lost a lot of my respect for VOGUE at the moment. I don't think it's appropriate at all. This is not People magazine or The Knot or Brides magazine. It needs to have its power and authority of nothing but clean cut fashion oriented magazine. I hope the next cover makes up for this horrendous mistake. I can't imagine how many people have already canceled their subscriptions, and deservingly so. 

To be honest the whole thing Anna Wintour brought around by getting actors on the cover to increase sales needs to go the other way around. Fashion is run by models, magazines are sold by celebrities. It's all very true and a good business sense. But there really needs to be a distinct change between these tabloid magazines now. And that change is to get real models in all the countries that has its own VOGUE, and put them on the cover giving them the attention they deserve. 

What did you think of this cover? Are you a KIMYE fan? Are you a part of the hate and backlash? Any and all comments you have, share them below!

 x   o   x   o 

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